Visuals / Sound Design
6 Months
FL Studio / Audition
Premiere Pro
This was the biggest project I have undertaken so far at the University of Applied Sciences Salzburg.
It is the first of three projects I am required to deliver during my three years of studying MultiMediaArt.
"NO NEED TO RUSH LIFE" was originally planned as a previsualization, but even before starting, I realized that with a bit of
extra effort, I could turn it into a fully completed animated short.
The idea for this project had been on my list for over a year, and I was determined to make it happen. I wanted to seize the
opportunity to have some fun and explore my creativity while I still could. The short film tells the story of a driver
navigating the Austrian alpine roads who ignores every road sign—ultimately leading to him driving off a cliff.
I received some much-appreciated help with the sound design and music. A huge thanks to Kilian Konz for his
professionalism in composing the music and bringing all my ideas to life. I’m also grateful to Stefan Wolf for
helping me create the satisfying gear-shift sound using his car.
I hope all the stress of the past months was worth it and that you enjoy the final result!
The idea for the film came to me quite early. I was driving on the freeway when I came across multiple signs on the side of the road. I thought, "What if I drove so fast that the signs would almost feel like an animated movie?" Following this thought, I quickly sketched a short animated sequence to get a sense of the narrative and overall feel. This became the first previs for the movie.
- 3D Modelling
- tiny bit Houdini Smoke sim
- 3D Animation & basic Rigging
- Sound Design
© Jona Melvin Grobe