This animation was created for an animation contest. The goal was to create a still image or animation with a space theme. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of space renders, but it was still a lot of fun. This time I used Nuke for compositing and even created my own bokehs. In summary, I learned a lot.
HOW IT WAS MADE All the Models were made using the Blender Sculpting Toolset and then textured in Substance Painter. Rendering was done using Cycles X. The Simulation of the Moon was done using a Houdini softbody Simulation and exported as alembic. The compositing and fx were made using Nuke.
Programs used:
Rendering/Scene Building/Asset Creation - Blender
Compositing - Nuke/After Effects/Fusion
Texturing - Substance Painter
Editing - Davinci Resolve
Softbody Simulation - Houdini