“Without You" is an animated short about human greed. Ants peacefully inhabit their world, until humans invade, determined to harvest their powerful mushrooms as an energy source. When humanity destroys the earth, the ants discover a way to get rid of the humans. The Project We wanted to create a stylized film that humerously takes up the topic of human greed, in combination with climate change and take the persepective of ants. The Look was highly inspired by the Game "Grounded". 

After facing a major setback at the start of production and requiring to start nearly from scratch, we worked hard to achieve our goal of delivering a finished product. The story is now much better conveyed, thanks to Josef Schinwald`s assistance in constructing an epic adventure for our protagonist.

Blender Cycles: Rendering
Houdini: Simulations / FX
Nuke: Compositing / Colorgrading
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